Commercial Policies:
We will help you understand insurance requirements, terminology, exclusions, and costs that match your current situation. You can trust us for your insurance needs.
Motor Truck Cargo (MTC) Insurance
If you look at the typical trucking clients, they want to cover both the tractor-trailer and the cargo. They want to ensure that their injuries are covered as well as the potential injuries of other persons when their vehicle is at-fault in an accident. This coverage insures the freight, also known as refer, car hauler, flat bed, or dry van. With a cargo policy, the trucker should be aware of the exclusions that could apply to different types of freight. For example, if a load gets damaged and it is excluded from this policy (i.e. contraband, precious metals, fine art, cigarettes, liquor, electronics, shellfish), it may not be covered. If a trucker is going to haul a load that he thinks may not be covered, he should double-check with the insurer, perhaps adding an additional coverage for the type of load. Finally, truckers must maintain documentation that they have regulated the air temperature within their cargo load to protect products subject to spoilage.
Physical Damage
The physical damage coverage protects your own financial interest in your equipment. The physical damage includes collision and comprehensive coverage like in your personal auto policy but this time your truck/trailer is covered with the same great benefits.
Trucking Liability
When your vehicle causes injuries or property damage to a third party. If your truck's brakes lock up and you rear-end a pickup truck with passengers, this will cover your vehicle at fault. If you get the policy worded correctly, it can also cover leased contractors using your vehicle or company sign or who are working under your dispatch.
Non-Trucking Liability (NTL)
This type of coverage applies to owner operations when you are not working under the dispatch of the motor carrier. Also known as bobtail insurance, this policy does not apply when you are returning from a long trip if you were still working under the motor carrier who dispatched you. If you are dead-heading (or hauling an empty trailer), you still might be under the motor carrier that sent you out on the job.
General Liability
You may think you are covered if you have trucking liability, but a General Liability policy will protect your business from lawsuits against your business for liable and slander, client injury in your office and many other risks that you may not even think that could happen to you or your business.
Umbrella Insurance
We have special programs in over 600 eligible classes for Umbrella policy for your business including but not limited to:
Real Estate Program - Owners and Managers of Commercial and Residential Real Estate (including Community Associations), Hotels, Motels and Bed & Breakfasts
Construction Trades Program - Commercial and/or residential construction businesses providing services as a General Contractor, Contractor or Subcontractor
Service Program - Businesses providing services, including professional services such as legal and accounting, to consumers and/or businesses
Retail Program - Businesses operating as retailers of consumer goods for sale
Manufacturer Program - Businesses involved in the manufacturing of consumer goods for sale
Wholesale Distributors Program - Businesses involved in the wholesale distribution of goods
Get in touch
- VMC Group
1580 N. Northwest Hwy. #220
Park Ridge, IL 60068
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